Author Guidelines

Clinical Dentistry and Research is an international peer-reviewed dental journal that publishes studies in any of dentistry within the following categories:
•    Original Research Papers
•    Case Reports
•    Letters to the Editor
•    Short Communications
•    Review Articles (invited)
The journal is published three times a year, in April, August and December. Language is English and manuscripts must be written in grammatically sound English.
Clinical Dentistry and Research is a scientific journal that aims to facilitate the dissemination of basic and clinical research, practice-based information and evidence-based data that can be translated into clinical practice. The Clinical Dentistry and Research adheres to the following ethical guidelines for publication and research.

Ethical publishing enables a better scientific community where everyone is valued and everyone is responsible for their work. Clinical Dentistry and Research adheres to // recommendations and international standards established by (// for Editors and authors in scientific articles submitted to the journal. The Clinical Dentistry and Research adheres to the following ethical guidelines for publication and research
Authors submitting articles confirm that the article has been read and approved by all authors and that all authors agree to submit the article to the Journal. Clinical Dentistry and Research adheres to the definition of authorship established by // .According to the ICMJE, the criteria for authorship should be based on:
1.    make significant contributions to the design, acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data,
2.    preparing the article or critically reviewing it for important intellectual content,
3.    final approval of the version to be published.

Publishing ethics for authors
In addition to the informent consent and provide assurances that participants’ rights are protected, the author must declare to the selected journal that the article has not been published elsewhere, the conflict of interest, funding statements, all co-authors meet criteria for authorship, signed copyright agreement, registration of clinical trials, how used the human or animal subjects, research has been reported acurately and completely, 
Publishing ethics for Editors and Reviewers

Members of the Editorial Board explain the journal policies aimed at displaying the ethical behavior model of the Reviewer(s) and Author(s). A commitment to ethical professional behavior is expected from all Editorial Board Members.
1.Integrity and individuality
1.1. Reviewers must accept the rules and policies governing the Journal, understand and apply their personal “ethical code”. 
1.2. Reviewers should not discriminate against individuals and groups that may benefit from the feedback, and should complete the review in a timely manner.
1.3. Respecting the integrity and individuality of the author(s) and other Reviewers' comments is essential. 
1.4. Referee(s) should exercise their privileged position in a confidential, impartial, prompt, constructive and sensitive manner and should not advance private interests at the expense of the research work under scrutiny.
1.5. All Authors and Editorial Board Members should be treated regardless of race, religion, gender, special needs, age, or national origin.
1.6. Copyrighted, patented materials, trade secrets or other intangible property should not be misused.
2. Conflict of Interest and Right of Refusal
Reviewer(s) should refuse to review articles that have any conflict of interest arising from a joint, financial, corporate, personal or other relationship or affiliation with any company, institution or person. Reviewers should refuse to review articles for which they have provided the author with written comments on the article or an earlier version and not write anything that might introduce themselves to an Author.
3. Double-Blind Review
Clinical Dentistry and Research follows a double-blind review process.
4. Confidentiality
It is very important to respect the confidentiality of the manuscript. The Editor-in-Chief(s) and their Editorial Board Member(s) should not disclose information about an article to anyone other than the Reviewers and Authors.
5. Review Quality
At least three Reviewers should be invited to comment on an article.
6. Unbiased
All manuscripts should be evaluated in an objective, fair and professional manner solely on the basis of their scientific merit.
7. Accuracy
Reviewer(s) accept the responsibility of reviewing the Author's articles within their field of research by providing comments on the research that may improve the quality of the research work.
8. Timelines 
Reviewer(s) should take steps to ensure that all manuscripts are reviewed in a timely manner.
Ethical Approvals
Experiments involving human subjects may only be published if such research has been conducted in accordance with ethical principles, including the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki (version 2008) and, if any, additional requirements of the country in which the research was conducted.
When experimental animals are used; experiments should be conducted in accordance with the Guidelines set by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the USA regarding the care and use of animals for experimental procedures or the Council of the European Communities Directive (86/609/EEC) of 24 November 1986 and local laws and regulations.
All studies using human or animal subjects should include a clear statement describing the review and ethics committee approval for each study in the Materials and Methods section.

Clinical Dentistry and Research is an international dental journal which publishes studies in the field of dentistry, within the following categories:
•    Original Research Papers
•    Case Reports
•    Letters to the Editor
•    Short Communications
•    Review Articles (invited)

Clinical Dentistry and Research is a scientific journal that aims to facilitate the dissemination of basic and clinical research, practice-based knowledge and evidence-based data, which can be translated into the clinical practice.  
The Journal is a peer-reviewed journal published by the university press, with on-line submission and peer-review process and the web site is located:    //
Language is English and manuscripts must be written in grammatically sound English. All manuscripts submitted to The Journal shall be subjected to a preliminary evaluation regarding their alignment with the format described in ’instructions to authors’ before peer review. Manuscripts which do not comply with the layout of the Journal will not be accepted. It should be noted that no change and/or addition shall be allowed on the manuscripts accepted for publication. 

Manuscript Preparation
When preparing the manuscripts, “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication – International Committee of Medical Journal Editors”, which can be downloaded from the // web address, should be considered. The manuscripts should be typed double-spaced on one side of A4 paper as MS Word files, preferably with 12 font Arial or Times typescript; and with outer margins of 1 inch (2.54 cm). The manuscript should include the following parts ‘Title page, abstract and key words, manuscript, references, figures/illustrations legends and tables’. Pages should be numbered sequentially on the right top of the paper beginning from the title page.  It is suggested that the authors back up all the submissions on electronic or printed medium. All the manuscripts shall be submitted via the e-journal website given below:
Please contact with the Editor for technical problems during the submission process:

Prof. Dr. Hatice DOĞAN BUZOĞLU, Editor in Chief
Clinical Dentistry and Research
Hacettepe University Faculty of Dentistry 
Sihhiye 06100, Ankara/TURKEY
Tel:  +90 312 3052287 
Fax:  +90 312 3104440
Full contact addresses of the authors should be provided in advance of the submission of the manuscripts to the Clinical Dentistry and Research to confirm electronic submission and/or to communicate regarding the evaluation process when necessary.File size for each document to be uploaded should not exceed 3MB. The total of the documents attached to the manuscript should not exceed 30 MB in total. 

Letters to the Editor: The author(s) should prepare a cover letter to the Editor of the Clinical Dentistry and Research in a MS Office Word file. This letter should include all the contact information (postal address, e-mail address, phone and fax numbers) of the author(s) and should be signed. 
Title Page: Title page should be a separate file and should be saved as an MS Office Word file. Title page should include the title of the manuscript, all authors’ full names and degrees, affiliations to institution or private practice, designation and address of corresponding author, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address. A short running title (less than 50 characters) should also be provided.
Title, short title (less than 50 characters), full names, academic titles, and current institutions of the author(s) should be written. Full name and the necessary contact information of the author(s) should be included in this page for correspondence.  
Anonym Title Page: To be used by reviewers for the peer-review process an anonym Title Page should be saved as a separate MS Office Word file and include the only the title of the article.
Abbreviations: Where a term/definition will be continually referred to, it must be written in full when it first appears in the text, followed by the subsequent abbreviation in parentheses. Thereafter, the abbreviation may be used. Please limit the number of abbreviations to those that are absolutely necessary.
Abstract: The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper in a single paragraph of no more than 250 words. The abstract should not contain abbreviations or references. Except for invited reviews and case reports, abstract should be structured and have the following sections: background & aim(s), material(s) /subject(s) and methods, results, conclusion(s). For the purposes of indexing, Maximum 6 key words should be supplied below the abstract in alphabetical order. On the abstract page, the name(s) of the author(s) should not appear.

Original Research Articles: Only original papers shall be accepted. These should include the following; “introduction, material(s) /subject(s) and methods, results, discussion, conclusion”; if it is a case report, it should include; “introduction, case report, discussion, conclusion”. 
Case Reports: The presented case should be the one which rarely appears or should provide a new idea or a significant contribution to the existing dental literature. The paper should be consisted of a short introduction, case report and discussion sections.
Letter to the Editor: Maximum 600 words and 5 references. Abstract is not needed. 
Short Communications: Maximum 700 words.
Review Articles: Only invited reviews will be published. Review articles should have an abstract in the nonstructured format.

Financial Support: All documents related to the financial support should be included at the end of the paper. 

Information: All participants, who do not fulfill authors’ criterion, should be stated at the end of the paper in the “acknowledgement section”.

Ethical Approval: Declaration of Helsinki should be considered for articles involving clinical research  (// Human and animal studies should comply with the above-mentioned ethical rules.Patient information (e.g. full name, abbreviation of patients’ name, or any hospital protocol number) should not be included in the article or on the photographs. When there is no patient approval, eyes should be hidden with black strips. 
Products and Units: All products, where possible, should be referred to by their generic names.  Otherwise, manufacturer should be mentioned in parenthesis. For units Systeme International d’unites (SI) must be followed.  
References: References list should be written with double space typescript. Typescripts should be Vancouver; references must be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text. Each reference should appear with a superscript in the text. Unpublished references such as interview, personal opinion, meeting are accepted on condition that permission is obtained. References should comply with the rules specified in the Index Medicus as follows:  
Examples: All of the authors’ names should be included. When there are more than 6 authors, it must be written as  “et al.”. 
-For Journal Articles: 
The names of the journals should be in accordance with MEDLINE.
Halpern SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL. Solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. N Engl J Med. 2002;347:284-287.
- For Books: 
Gilstrap LC 3rd, Cunningham FG, VanDorsten JP, editors. Operative obstetrics. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002.
- For Book Chapters:  
Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM. Chromosome alterations in human solid tumors. In: Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW, editors. The genetic basis of human cancer. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002. p. 93-113.
- Examples for references: is stated in “Instructions for authors”, other examples for references are stated at the following link: 
- DOI: Online published, but not printed articles can be attributed by Digital Object Identifier (DOI). DOI must be written as follows:
“Andersson L. Tooth avulsion and replantation. Dent Traumatol. DOI:10.1111/j.1600-9657.2007.00604.x”
The correction of a DOI can be made at the following website: //

Illustration legends: They should be called as ‘Figure’ and must be written as Figure 1, Figure 2 rather than 1a, 1b. Legends must be on a separate sheet with double space typescripts. The meaning of numbers, symbols and letters that used with figures or illustrations should be specified. Photographs, line drawings and graphs may be included. Illustrations should be consecutively numbered in Arabic numerals. 

Tables: Tables must be prepared on MS Excel program and then saved as MS Word. Number tables consecutively as they appear in the text in Arabic numerals. Tables should not repeat the text and each table should have a brief and explanatory legend.
Figures: Each figure must be saved as a separate file with 300 dpi (130 pixel/inch) resolution and should be JPEG or TIFF. Figures that have less than 300 dpi are a cause for rejection. Figures except JPEG or TIFF are not accepted (i.e. *.BMP, *.GIF, *.RGB). Figures/illustrations files should not be included in the text. Any change should not be made on the figures.  Numbers, symbols or letters belonging to the figures should be well-read. The legends and explanations should be on the top of the figures. Figures must be numbered consecutively as they appear in the text.

Proofs: After proofs are sent to the author(s), authors will check for the presence of any typesetting, figure/illustration or table errors. Author(s) have the rights to change any format or typesetting error, however, they are not allowed to make any change or addition on the content of the text, authors’ name, title and figure/illustration/table. After the printing of the article, corrections can be made with only Erratum structure. 


Only complete manuscript submissions will be considered for publication. Complete submission must include:
     Cover letter for manuscript submission
     Signed copyright transfer statement by corresponding author (can be downloaded from the web-site)
     Letter of approval from review committee for the use of human samples in research and human experiments (if necessary)
     Letter of approval from relevant authority for the use of animals in experiments (if necessary)
     Signed consent to publish (in print and online) from human subjects who can be identified in your manuscript (if necessary)
In the actual article, ensure that the following information is provided:
     Title page (double spaced)
o     Article title
o    Name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s)
o    Running title not exceeding 50 characters
o    Corresponding author’s contact details (name, e-mail, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers)
     Abstract max 250 words and max 6 key words (double spaced)
     Main text with appropriate section headings (double spaced)
     References (double spaced), on a new page
     Tables (double spaced), each on a new page
     Figures and/or illustrations should be JPG/TIFF format and separate files


Complete copyright to the article entitled: ...........................................................................................................................................



is hereby transferred to the Clinical Dentistry and Research  .
The author(s) certify that:
    The Editor-in-chief of Clinical Dentistry and Research  has been informed of any proprietary or commercial interest or conflicts of interest, which the author(s) may have that relate directly or indirectly to the subject of this article;
    The article does not violate any proprietary or personal rights of others; (including, without limitation, any copyrights or privacy rights)
    The scientific content of radiologic and/or microscopic  images has not been altered, and that disclosure has been made regarding computer enhancement or other electronic manipulation of images;
    The author(s) have made substantive and specific intellectual contributions to this article and assume full responsibility for its content;
    It is an original work, has not been published before and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. This paper contains no statements which are libelous, unlawful or in any way actionable; and it does not include any duplication material.
    The author(s) have not had within the past 12 months a financial interest or other relationship. (Please list any financial relationship, and describe the nature of your relationship in detail)
    The author(s) accept that Clinical Dentistry and Research does not hold any responsibility for the content of this article, including context, conclusion, information, results, and interpretation;
    The Publisher endorses the principles embodied in the Declaration of Helsinki and insists that all investigations involving human beings reported in the Publisher's journal articles be carried out in conformity with these principles. Authors reporting on their experimental work in humans or animals should also cite evidence in the Materials and Methods section of the article that this work has been approved by, respectively, an institutional clinical/human experimentation panel or an institutional animal care and use panel (or equivalent).
    The copyright that the author assigns to the Clinical Dentistry and Research encompasses all rights to exploit the article in any manner throughout the world. 
    The author(s) retain all patent and other proprietary rights to the article, with exception of the copyright. If an author wishes to reproduce the article in any medium for distribution purposes, the author must obtain permission from the Clinical Dentistry and Research and, if permission is granted, the author must credit the original source of publication when the article is reproduced. 
    This agreement has been signed by the corresponding author on behalf of all of the authors who contributed to the article.

Author’s name                 Signature            Date

Please fax this form to +90-312-3104440 or attach the scanned copy to cover letter during submission on website  //